Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Next Scientology

During my daily rummaging through the massive void that is The Internet, I've come to discover a great deal of information about Scientology. Believing this cult to be a religion is ludicrous in every form of the word; and being another Hollywoodland fad, my investigative instincts have lead me to Wiki.

I began my research with brief memories of a Cult Movement in California, years ago; digging a little deeper I discovered,
Raëlism. It turns out that these bunch of "followers" believe in, Free and Open Sex, Cloning and that on the day of the Apocalypse, "extraterrestrials" will arrive on Earth and reveal the truth.

On the flip side, a few tapes surfaced back in the early 90s from one of these Raëlian Seminars, featuring couples having sex in tents... in tents... also could be referred to as Orgies. Apparently this is catching on... don't know about you but I don't really need to go to a seminar to get my horizontal bump on.

So, is
Raëlism the next Cult to catch on? Well considering that the main website is featured in thirty-seven (37) different languages; I'd say this thing has alread caught on. It's numbers may be low and the media may not have investigated this to the level here, its only a matter of time before Scientology goes the way of the atari 2600.

I do agree with their dress code though.

*Image courtesy of wikipedia and

- Dan

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